Reduce Stress, Staff Turnover and Sick Leave

A diagnostic work place assessment has the advantage that the profile of strengths and weaknesses found in the diagnostic assessment can be closely allied to workplace difficulties. This enables a solution focused approach together with appropriate practical solutions and personalised recommendations for help, guidance and support.

Dyslexia Work Place Assessment, Brighouse, Huddersfield, Halifax, Leeds, Bradford
Dyslexia Assessment in the Work Place, Brighouse, Huddersfield, Halifax, Leeds, Bradford

The assessment focuses on establishing any areas of difficulty and how these difficulties affect performance in a particular job.

The assessment includes;

  • A review of educational and employment history.
  • Consideration of the client’s job and the inclusion of general work skills such as time management, organisation, report writing etc.
  • A thorough and comprehensive assessment of cognitive abilities, including verbal and non verbal ability, visual memory, auditory memory and working memory.
  • Assessment and detailed analysis of literacy, including timed tests of reading comprehension, single word reading and writing.
  • Assessment and detailed analysis of phonological processing including speed of processing, phonological awareness and phonological memory.
  • A focus on any emotional problems related to specific learning difficulties.
  • Consideration of strengths and coping strategies.
  • Recommendations for further assessment, suggestions for reasonable adjustments and practical help and support.

Additionally, an assessment can also consider and assess ( if appropriate) dyspraxia, dyscalculia, visual motor integration, attention deficit and visual stress/ scotopic sensitivity.

The assessment is conducted in a relaxed and friendly way that is comfortable for the client. A short verbal feedback session is offered immediately after the assessment.

Reports produced by Brighouse Dyslexia Centre are comprehensive and written in a clear jargon-free style that can easily be understood by managers and clients. They may be used and cited in applications for Access to Work assessments.

“By creating a dyslexia friendly workplace, employers are more likely to reduce stress, staff turnover and sick leave of the workforce, as well as improving motivation and loyalty.”

Dyspraxia is the term used to describe difficulties with spatial skills and physical co-ordination. Other commonly-found characteristics are poor organisational ability and difficulty with social skills.

Dyscalculia is the term used to describe difficulties involving the comprehension and learning of maths. It can be accompanied by difficulties with spatial awareness, hand writing, dealing with visual and oral information, organisation and motor skills.

Visual motor integration is sometimes referred to as hand-eye co-ordination. It allows our eyes and hands to work together in a smooth, organised and efficient way. Tasks involving handwriting can be very difficult for people with difficulties in this area.

Attention deficit disorder (ADD) is often associated with dyspraxia. It may include a short attention span, distractibility or impulsiveness. If physical restlessness is present, it may be referred to as ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Visual stress affects what people see when they read. Print on a page can move, jump around, dance or blur. Reading black text on white paper can be difficult. Certain lighting can exacerbate physical symptoms such as headaches, tired or itchy eyes and feelings of nausea. Visual stress may be associated with binocular instability, the way in which the eyes are co-ordinated. This may cause people to mis-read words, have trouble keeping on the correct line of text, or have difficulty in keeping their place on the page. They may develop headaches and eye-strain if they read for sustained periods of time.